Saturday, October 18, 2014

Follow Through is not what it should be

Well, I just read my last post about making the Dean's List motivating me to get back on track in May.  I regret to inform you that it is now the middle of October and I have not completed any goals I set at the beginning of the year.  Truth be told, I spent the summer unemployed and wasting valuable time that could have been used toward my goals.

This past couple of weeks have had me doing a lot of reflecting and but very little action.  I finally started a new career.  I am working for a great company and can see myself their for a long time.  It is a busy day but rewarding.  
School is going good, I spoke with my adviser  about two weeks ago and if I continue to take the same class work load I should be able to graduate in July; October worst case scenario.  

It might be the first goal I actually finish......why do I feel like I just jinxed myself.  

On a side note; I just wrapped up another semester this week.  I had to turn in a financial analysis this pas week as a final project.  A culmination of seven weeks of work, in the end I decided it was as good as it was going to get and was willing to accept that my A may turn into a C, and I was okay with that.  Okay well not okay with it, but had decided to live with it.  Grade came Monday; I got an A+.  

"When will I ever believe in myself or ability?"  It is a work-in-progress that will probably never completely happen....

My new job changed my schedule quite a bit.  I have had to go back to figuring out how to balance:  work, school, gym, and house.  I have failed!  I started out strong initially getting to the gym (pool) for a workout at least two or three days.  Playing team volleyball on Wednesdays, I mean what more can you ask from an almost 40 year-old woman who works and goes to school full time?  Slowly over time, up until the last two weeks I haven't been in the pool one time.  I did go jog twice; which is not something I care to do but that is it.

While I have not done work the last two weeks I have been doing what I do best:  PLANNING IT! 
I have signed up for the   15th ANNUAL JMBA TURKEY TROT on November 17th, 2014 I am hoping it will be my first successful completion without stopping in competition.  Not trying to win just want to reach my own goal of keeping the jog/run in motion for the full race.  

One of the many benefits of my job is a membership to the JMBA recreation and fitness center.  I have signed up to take two morning workout classes; I am hoping that since I signed up it will push me to not look at it as "optional". 
I have a few more charity races I hope to compete in during November and December but lets take them one at a time and just see how it goes.

Now I must admit I've sat and watched TV all day today, wasted time being lazy and thinking of all things I need to do.  But part of what brought  me back to this abandoned goal blog was Thursday nights adventure.  We went to the Jake Owen concert at The Rave and I received lots of compliments on my style.  I guess I finally figured out how I like to wear my hair, make-up, and what my clothes style is.  And it felt good, but it would feel so much better if I was just more confident in my body too.  So I think its time to get back at it and put some of these goals back to work.

I have 3 1/2 months until I turn 40.  I guess that will be the first goal, what can I get done until then.  I think the goal will just be to build the routine.  That will be a start. 

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Time to get back on target with my goals

Dean's List at SNHU
This should definitley motivate me to keep at it; received an email today I'm on the:
I've got a lot going on today, but this put a little pep in my step so I hope to get back into the goal making and goal completing business.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Term 4 at SNHU is Goal No.5

Lots of changes going on in my life.  Michael has taken a job back in Wisconsin so we are moving.  Well to be honest he left already the first week of February.  So my life in Cincinnati is quickly coming to an end.  

During the month of March I will have my last day at AAA Allied Group, which was a great place to work in downtown and only a few blocks from home.  Now I'm faced with the challenge of having to find a career all over again.  The idea of not working is definitely appealing but I like having money too so that is the dilemma.  I have sent out a 1/2 dozen resumes so far but am trying to be picky.

I started a new term for school, the heaviest course-load to date taking, History-Post Civil War, Intermediate Accounting and Human Relation Admin.  The reading load is unbelievable and its just week 1.
I am very determined to get all A's this term since last term Cost Accounting got the best of me and I ended up settling with a B there and A in Psycology.  

Did I mention we are remodeling our home back in Wisconsin?  While my husband is there waiting for me to return and once our tenants have vacated we want to do a little sprucing up.  New countertops, master closet, master bath, floors in the bedroom - etc.  You cannot imagine the stress of leaving your husband in charge of all of this while you are 5 1/2 hours away.  So far it has went okay we have ordered our countertops to be installed from Home Depot. Picked out many other finishes but until the tenants are out on the 17th and contractor can get in and get started it is all just planning and Pintrest ideas.

Mover's are coming on the 27th to load me up and move us back... somehow I will maintain my A while doing all this!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Fitness: Push-up Challenge No. 4

January's sit-up challenge was successful. It was a busy month and I missed a day here and there but did my best to catch up the day after and make up for it.  February task is to do the Push-up Challenge, but in addition I am going to continue to do at least 60 sit-ups each day and add this challenge.  

I know it seems like I may have skipped a few days and well I DID!!  I had a birthday weekend and free day yesterday for my 39th Birthday = my 40th year has officially started!!  Lets make it a productive one.......

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Earn my Bachelor's Degree No.3

I graduated from high school a little over 20 years ago. I initially went to UW-Whitewater as a freshman, while I was a good student in school prior I was definitely not prepared for the discipline it took to study and succeed at that level.  I quit more out of an admittance that I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life than requirement.  Once I moved from Watertown to Kenosha and got a little focus and drive placed back into my life via a better life for my family.

I returned to school and enrolled in Gateway Technical College's Business Marketing Associates degree. This time around the hard work associated with going to school came easier for me.  I did well and earned good marks.  While almost finishing I started working with InsureOne, rapidly earned responsibility and income and didn't finish school.

Fast-forward to 13 years later:  Michael and I left Wisconsin in the summer of 2012 for a job opportunity for him in Cincinnati. Now even thou I quickly found a job with AAA's insurance department I found myself with more free time than I was accustom to having so why not fill that time...

So in April of last year I applied, got accepted, transferred credits and went back to school.  I knew I couldn't attend classroom classes with my time schedule, and didn't want to be in school forever.  Southern New Hampshire University fit all my needs and requirements and became the school I choose to attend.  I am now in my 5th accelerated semester already and each semester seems more challenging and time consuming then the last but there is a goal and a light at the end of the tunnel.

My Goal is to graduate with a Bachelors in Accounting with a minor in Information Systems.  And to do this at full-time pace and graduate in October 2015.

This semester's class schedule: Psychology and Cost Accounting