Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Term 4 at SNHU is Goal No.5

Lots of changes going on in my life.  Michael has taken a job back in Wisconsin so we are moving.  Well to be honest he left already the first week of February.  So my life in Cincinnati is quickly coming to an end.  

During the month of March I will have my last day at AAA Allied Group, which was a great place to work in downtown and only a few blocks from home.  Now I'm faced with the challenge of having to find a career all over again.  The idea of not working is definitely appealing but I like having money too so that is the dilemma.  I have sent out a 1/2 dozen resumes so far but am trying to be picky.

I started a new term for school, the heaviest course-load to date taking, History-Post Civil War, Intermediate Accounting and Human Relation Admin.  The reading load is unbelievable and its just week 1.
I am very determined to get all A's this term since last term Cost Accounting got the best of me and I ended up settling with a B there and A in Psycology.  

Did I mention we are remodeling our home back in Wisconsin?  While my husband is there waiting for me to return and once our tenants have vacated we want to do a little sprucing up.  New countertops, master closet, master bath, floors in the bedroom - etc.  You cannot imagine the stress of leaving your husband in charge of all of this while you are 5 1/2 hours away.  So far it has went okay we have ordered our countertops to be installed from Home Depot. Picked out many other finishes but until the tenants are out on the 17th and contractor can get in and get started it is all just planning and Pintrest ideas.

Mover's are coming on the 27th to load me up and move us back... somehow I will maintain my A while doing all this!

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