Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Rousey: 'I've never felt this good' - YouTube

Rhonda Rousey is "Girl Power" 100%!! I love everything about her focus and determination.  For months I have been saying I want to be her when I get younger.  So I am posting this video to my goals blog just to remind myself that even the people on top continue to have to work at it every day.

Rousey: 'I've never felt this good' - YouTube:

'via Blog this'

Friday, December 27, 2013

Fitness - Sit Up Challenge No.2

Through 2014, I plan to have many goals and objectives to help me achieve making my 40th year my best year.  I have been on and off-the-wagon when it comes to physical fitness, going to the gym, staying in a routine and loosing weight.  Over the last five years I have often taken 3 steps forward and then fallen with 1 or 2 steps back.  I never finish what I start and never get to where I want to be.  I don't have a goal weight or number to hit exactly, but would define my goal as:  "Being comfortable in my own skin, dressed to swim or go Stand Up Paddle Boarding with out being self conscious."

In my head I am an outdoor girl who loves to camp, fish, bike, swim and wishes she could run.  In reality I do all of those things but I'm just not in shape enough to truly enjoy them.

The first of many fitness goals:  No. 2 - 30 Day Sit Up Challenge

30 Day Sit Up Challenge Fitness Workout Chart

This won't be my only activity in January just my first goal of many to complete!

Long-Term Goal No. 1

A trip to Hawaii is meant to be my reward at the end of a laundry list of meeting goals.  

Goal No. 1 is the most simple way to start off this blog:  Get to Hawaii for vacation!  

Who wouldn't want to visit this paradise?  

I want to take my time, research all the best places to stay and tour.  Look for recommendations, local favorites, extracurricular activities and enjoy this oasis of the United States.

When's the best time to visit? Is there a bad time? Is the weather always perfect? Is there a rainy season?  So many questions that need to be answered.